Thursday, December 18, 2014
Top 10 Christmas Movies
Christmas is almost here! Today I'm finally giving you a Christmas Movie Guide! There are so many Christmas movies out there, so many classics, but I find myself watching the same 10 movies every year. Before I ramble on, here are my favorite Christmas Movies!
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Black Friday Guide | Store Hours Guide (2014)
Black Friday is less than a week away! Today I'm making your life easier, and sharing my Black Friday research with all of you. That's right... Here I have a concise list of what time popular stores are opening! No thanks is in order, just send Santa to my house this Christmas.
Black Friday,
Life Hacks,
Monday, November 17, 2014
Black Friday Guide | The Essentials
Black Friday is almost here! Even though the start time of Black Friday changes every year (like 6pm on Thursday this year), the essentials you should carry remain the same! Here are some things to check off your list, before you head out on your Black Friday shopping adventure. (With some help from the Crazy Target Lady).
Black Friday,
Life Hacks,
Monday, November 10, 2014
Black Friday Guide | Tips & Tricks
Hello there fellow crazy shopping friends! Today I'm sharing some of my best Black Friday Tips & Tricks with you, in the hopes that you have a happy, fun, and successful BF shopping trip! These may not be everyone's style, but they've worked well for me in the past! We have 18 days left (and 17 until yummy Thanksgiving!) so get ready!
Black Friday,
Life Hacks,
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Easy Halloween Costume & Outfit Inspiration
Hey guys! Can you believe Halloween is in 5 days? This month has totally flown by! I know there are some people that just aren't into wearing Halloween costumes, so I put together some outfits/costumes that are simple but still festive. I hope this helps!
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Ultimate Halloween Movie Guide!
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Top 8 Feel-Good Movies!
If you're anything like me, you have your happy pants on because it's almost the holiday season! All I want to do is watch those fun, feel-good movies, but I can't justify watching Betelgeuse or The Santa Clause just yet. Until that blessed day (October 1st to be exact) is upon us, here are my favorite non-holiday feel-good movies. Let's begin!
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
How To Make Delicious Cupcakes From Scratch | Guest Post
Hey Dolls! I've been really swamped with work and getting ready to move, so Emma from It's Emma Elise was nice enough to write a guest post for you all! I've been a longtime lover of her blog, and I'm sure you'll love it too! Especially after this delicious post...yum. So head over to It's Emma Elise and show her some love! After you read this post of course.
How To Make Delicious Cupcakes From ScratchMonday, February 17, 2014
The 5 Stages of Sickness
Who has an amazing immune system and never get's sick? Not this girl. It seems like the flu has decided on a rematch, and is kicking my butt. Round one was short lived and manageable, so of course round two has to be torture.
Anyway, since I'm feeling bratty about having the flu, I thought I would share with you my 5 Stages of Sickness, as told by my my favs from Supernatural. Enjoy.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Ultimate Girls Night In Movie Guide!

Image from
Ahhh, the beloved girls night in. Whether it's a party of one, with pals and some wine, or just you and your trusty dog, there WILL be a time when you are hankering for a good ol' chick-flick. Here's my short and sweet list of my favorite girls night in movies!
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Milk (Dairy) Allergy for Dummies
Image from / Author: ChildofMidnight
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Top 10 TV Shows to Watch (Just Because)
So. You're in a show-hole, or are just cruising for a new show to start binge watching... Say no more! This is going to be part 1 (a part 2 will come later) with just some basic classics that *hopefully* have graced your screen in the past.
1. Supernatural
Image from
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