Sunday, November 8, 2015
5 Tips For Managing an Unmanageable Schedule
Today's post goes out to all of my fellow over-achievers who load themselves up with ridiculous tasks/schedules, and are struggling to stay sane. Maybe you're a college student balancing an extra class, or an internship, or working, or... all three! Or maybe you just have a lot going on right now, and you're forgetting things because you're stressed and only human. I got you. I feel you. I'm going to help you. Insert praise hands emoji here, am I right? Let me help you manage your unmanageable schedule.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Football for Dummies
So. You do not even somewhat understand football. Let me help you my friend! Below is a breakdown of some football basics, so you can at the very least sound like you have an idea about what's going on this football season.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
My Chore Chart / Weekly Cleaning Schedule
I think by now it's safe to assume that you all know how schedule/list obsessed I am. I have assignments written in my planner for the rest of the semester, a budget that goes through May, and I even have a schedule (kinda) for this blog. Surprise surprise, I also have a cleaning schedule/chore chart. It's completely for myself, and I don't follow it 100% of the time, but it helps me stay on top of cleaning around my apartment. If you want a breakdown of my chart, keep on reading!
Friday, January 9, 2015
Easy Dairy Free Hot Chocolate Recipe
Burr! It's been freezing here in North Carolina. I feel like I'm back in New England! All I want when the weather is cold like this, is to snuggle up in a blanket, watching Netflix, and drinking yummy hot chocolate. Thanks to my milk allergy, I can't have any of the normal powder packs of hot chocolate. Boo! Luckily for me (and you) I've figured out a super easy, super chocolaty dairy free hot chocolate recipe to whip up on cold days and nights. Let's get to it!